2022 Tournament at Sunflower Hills, our 10th one!

2022 Tournament
2022 marked our 10th year putting on the For Pete’s Sake Memorial Golf Tournament. We played at Sunflower Hills Golf Course for the first time and raised over $24,000. We had several families and children come out to enjoy the Family Fun Kickoff event we held before golf that included face painting, a bouncy house, Kona-Ice, and a cookout. There were also several stories and laughter from ‘The Hole Hecklers’ who came out to help us raise money. The Shaw’s came away with the Championship Belts for the second year in a row.

See the photo gallery for the 2022 tournament by clicking the photo below.

Sunflower Hills Golf Course. Click for photo gallery.

2020 Tournament Successful Despite COVID

2020 Tournament
Like for everybody, 2020 was a year to remember. After initial hesitation to put on the tournament due to the pandemic, we decided to still have it but with limited teams. Some of the entertainment was reduced but we believe everyone that was able to play still had a great time and we ended up raising over $15,000. Congratulations to the Shaw’s, who won the tournament for the first time!